This entry is for two reasons; it is to shw how some of my theories intertwine, and it is important to read them to make sense of this, and t demonstrate the point through the argument of abortion.
In recent discussions with friends on line and a continuation of The Evolution of the Human Soul I delved into the idea of what the soul would learn as a fetus, and what it means to have an abortion.
It isn't as common in news headlines, but it was once common practice for Christian and other religious groups to protest outside abortion clinics and not allow women through. It was seen as murder of a child who had no choice on what happened to them, nor did they see it as a redeemable sin. Part of my theory is an attack on this school of thought, but it is also to allow deeper insight into the evolution of the soul and what needs to be learned before we can advance. Amoungst some of these things are the different phases of life and survival within the womb.
Living in the womb, as we know, is quite different from anything we will experiece with our concious minds. We hear the continuous sounds of heartbeats, lungs breathing, organs working and exterior noises we cannot comprehend, and I can only imagine it to be quite medatative, however repedative. We do not eat, breathe or use our mouths for anything short of opening and closing. We don't use our genitals or rears to dispose of waste, and we can do little more than simply stay curled up in fluids that probably neither taste nor smell good (if we had concious memory of that either). Conciously, we remember nothing. Subconciously, we remember everything. Every last moment f our existance is recorded here like a never-ending video camera. It is here we can experience the world of a growing fetus and what it might be like with a concious mind. It is here that we cmmunicate wih he higher self and it communicates with us and it is here that our life lessons are learned.
Now, not being a doctor, I can only guess and what a baby could learn in the womb, but the higher self, while in the candy store, has agreed with someone to split ther sweets this life, and the mother will either miscarry or abort the child. In either circumstance, the higher self of both mother and child will learn and it is part of the completion of the candy store.
Abortions are a freewill choice, and as explained in Theory of Balance, there is a freewill choice to be made. If we could not have abortions, the world would be over-populated and chaotic, because there are thousands, if not millions of children aborted every year. These children are the results of an accidental condom break, not using a condom at all, the pill failing, miscalculation and so on. The child, loved though that it might be, the mother has made the difficult decission (as for most, it is difficult) to give up the child in an abortion.
I have taken a look at the 10 arguments against abortion and here are the arguements ad the spiritual and material reasons why and why not.
First arguement is that it is murder, and this expands across a number of their statements. Argueably, yes it is murder, as the child has no choice if it lives or dies. Practically, the child won't have a lot of choice for a nuber of years. And following that, this and none of the other arguements have looked at the point that some parents cannot afford to look after a child. Arguement nine is that a lot of women who are having abortions are undereducated on the results of abortion. If they are undereducated in that, what chances do they have of looking after a child for the ext eighteen plus years? Some can't get pensions, some have nowhere to live, some have no one to support them. Shuold they carry a child around as well to add to their survival? I don't deny a child can tur some of them into good parents, but it isn't a cure to that either. Spiritually, this lesson for the mother is to live without something she may want or to wonder what if. true, it is painful to say people need to learn this, true some regret it, but many don't, because they needed to pt themselves first. The guilt and regret are the same we might feel at a relatives death. What if they lived longer for me? You'll never know. What yu did know is that a child was a bad idea because it would bring you to ruin.
Following arguements are about prevention of children in cases of rape or incest. You ahve 24-48 hours to take this choice, and it is a form of abortion, so this arguement impails on itself. And I'm happy to guess that the number of people who say this have not been raped. the shame you feel after being raped, the uncertainty and pain, you need to deal with all that first. If you discover you are pregnant, then the abortion can be dealt with later when you MIGHT be a litle more emotioally secure. The abortion could make your emotional situation worse, might make it easier. Could you look at a child knowing it was a product of being raped? If your answer was yes, I don't honestly think you have been raped. But I could be worng. Rape is a painful experience and one our souls will have to go through at one point or another, and it sucks, but of all the women I have spoken to, there is no chance they would keep a child of rape if their rapes led to that.
The next arguement is adoption, and this is where I do agree, a child can be given up for adoption. I know people who have had to learn that this life. they want to know their birth parents badly and probably never will. I know parents who have lost children to adoption and are sad that their children have not come to find them after they have opened the file for them t find out who they are. And if every child had been born, we'd be back to over-population. I know it doesn't seem like much in places like Australia or America, but in China, a baby is born once every 23 seconds. Add in all the abortions and you'd be looking at a baby every 12 seconds at an estimate. Still think it is a good idea? Adoption is a lesson we have to learn, some children will be born and given to adoption clinics and that part of life goes on. This is a freewill choice of the mother, which is the same as having an abortion or not.
Next arguement; abortion is used as a form of controseption. And this is quite true. Arguement ten is also true, in that abortions can have both psychological and physical repocussions. First of all, I agree with point one, in that abortion is not a god idea on a continuous basis, and is most commonly the result of sleeping around, and probably being paid for it. Look at that, another life lesson. And it is true that abortion can cause problems medically and mentally. Did you know birth can do the same, and that in a number of women, having a child gave the lupus, which can kill. It is also like taking some medicines, in that you might not be aware of the side effects until it is too late. Or being spiked with LSD, in that you will relive the trip unexpectably and unpredictably for the rest f your life. there is more than one thing in life that will cause anguish, and we need to accept that we cannot be protected forever and that nothing is failsafe. We will have to risk something eventually, and that very few of us will go through life from start to finish without that risk in their concious decission making.
Finally, it is argued that tax payers shouldn't fund abrtion clinics. That is up for people to decide what they think. My opinion is that the tax payers are getting something they might need t use, and if not, they are helping someone else It is better than the old alternative from less than 100 years ago, where a pregnant woman was beaten in the abdomin a few times with excessive force to have an abortion. It is safer and less painful in MOST circumstances.
Now, what I have describbed in my upper responces is scenarios in many different directions. What you will find is that each one is one we can relate to somehow, even if not directly.
The basis is of this is to extend the link between two of my theories so that people can understand what we have to g through to evolve as souls, why giving people a choice is important, and the conciquences of not having a choice. This interlinking of theory can also include the Restarunts of Destiny theory, in that one/many of these things are a life lesson to a person, but it is up to us before incarnation, before we become a part of this cycle again.
Welcome to my Book of Theory. As a Spiritualist, I have many views on the Universe, life, death, religion and how we exist within the scheme of things. Many of these tie into each other, while others are stand alone concepts. I invite you to sit back and read, contemplate, think about what they mean to you, expand your thinking and theorise life for yourself.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Theory of Balance
I have a theory, it is based on the principles of the Yin and Yang.
Through many years of spiritual work, I have been asked, or told, that people do not wish to feel certain ways, or believe that they shouldn’t have to go through certain things. In this, the emotions they are feeling or facing up to, they are engaging in a part of the delicate balance of human experience.
In the creation of humans, emotions were selected for us to experience, and each one is balanced by an opposite. For example, it has been expressed to me that humans shouldn’t feel anger. When looking at it, the world would probably be a better place without anger, but when we eliminate one emotion,we must also eliminate its opposite. In this example, without anger, we cannot feel happiness. When happiness is removed, we cannot feel sadness, and when it is removed, we cannot feel excitement, and without excitement we cannot feel depression, and on the cycle goes. Every emotion has more than one opposite, and when one opposite is removed, the other is removed, and all its counterparts are removed and so on. In this, as well as removing emoitions, we remove our freewill, because without certain emotions, we cannot have free will.
This chain reaction can exist on more than just the emotional level, as stated. It can exist on a level of taking actions. We all disagree with war, and that the terror and destruction that it causes and the hatred that is a result are all negative things, but if we cannot have grand scale war, or the potential to go to a grand scale war, we cannot have peace on a grand scale. There would be no uniting of nations, no peace treatys between countries and there would be even less chance of us getting along.
Even on a minor level does this intricate system exist. We all hate/dislike/disapprove of something, but when that something is removed completely, its existance, and its counterparts, also fail to have any meaning. An issue close to me is discrimination. Hatred for homosexuals, different races, etc, comes from a need for balance. If no one hates one of these things, then no one can like them either, because the balance is thrown out and we are not free to choose. Our disliking comes from something, be it an experience, a stereotype forced or simply a lack of understanding or even fear. but even in having a good experience, destroying stereotypes, making up our own minds or understanding and accepting do we see this balance in play.
In your own mind, choose four things sabout the world. These can be types of people, recreational events, things, emotions, or anything.
*One should be something you love more than anything (karaoke)
*One thing should be something you hate more than anything (descrimination)
*One should be something you don’t dislike, but don’t really go for either (sports)
*The last should be something you dont enjoy, but wouldn’t deny anyone else (drug use)
In these four things think of their opposites, or something that is simply opposing.
Karaoke – Reading
Descrimination – Acceptance
Sports – Lethargy
Drug Use – Detox Program
Now, in your minjd, as best as you can, imagine one of these things being removed from the world. It’s not too hard, is it?
Now remove the other thing with it, and see what your mind comes to then. In some examples, the world might seem a better place without either. But in other causes, it can make the world a darker and uglier place. Or, in some cases, it could set human history back hundreds, or thousands of years.
Eg: My last options were Drug Use and Detoxification Programs. One is for your health and one is destructive to your health. One is inclined to heal while the other does dmage. On the other hand, one is more fun than the other and one is more cost effective than the other.
Yes, it is easy to see a world without drug use, but its opposite, Detoxification, would be removed as well. So while in this circumstance there is no way to damage your body, there is no way to heal it either. On expansion, there is no way for disease to spread as we know drug use can cause, but there is no way to cure other diseases at the same time. There is no temptation in the drug use, but there is no healthier alternative to take either. This cycle thrown out, we would be a very sick and dying race. The cycle has suddenly expanded to a level beyond repair or comprehension.
What I have come to accept, though I sometimes find it difficult, is that there is one thing because there is another to counter-act it. Like the many examples given above, the world moves on a level of giving two options, both unique and different with both capable of making or breaking a life.
Organised religion – Atheist
Drug Use - Detoxifrication
Violence – Peace
Temptation – Resistance
Acceptance – Denial
Law – Crime
Life – Death
With each opposite is a balance and a system that creates an endless list of choices for what we want to do with our lives. This grand, delicate and complicated system was created for us to live a life that is both confused and clarified, understandable yet disoriented, simple yet difficult.
The human experience will face all of these things as time goes by, and as some things are removed, more will be there to take their place. In a poor but simple example, is disease. The world met with the Black Plauge many years ago, and after a while, a cure was found. As it was removed, the prelude to HIV AID’s was born (indirectly) and as it grew and took shape over many years, we now have a new deadly virus to deal with and lives to lose between then, now and a cure. When HIV AIDs is cured, and the immunities our bodies need to fight it are spread through the worlds DNA, another disease will be born somewhere quietly, and slowly grow into something as fierce, deadly and destructive to human life. But at the same time that this happens, we are given the protections we need to fight against other diseases, other illnesses and the science needed to slowly but surely find a cure. In this grand balance, we have choices to make and options to consider.
In the closing notes to this theory, there is simply one thing I can offer to all my clients, all my friends and all those who feel that life is difficult, and it is that life is difficult for a reason. We face these choices and challenges because there is an opposite to achieve or deny, depending on the circumstances. If we face drug abuse, there is a fight to give it up and cure ourselves. If we face descrimination, or are descriminators, there is a challenge to find acceptence of people and their opinions, beliefs, life choices and ways of life. And as the cycle goes on and on througout the timespan of humanity and beyond, we will be faced with several challenges, be it physical, emotional, mental, creative, spiritual, and so on. What we need to see is the destination that is the end of the chalenge. The opposite that is the alternative, and whether we are going towards or moving away from it, which is the better choice and which will make us a better person for it. I pray for all of you that you find the answers you seek to the challenges of your life.
I have a theory, it is based on the principles of the Yin and Yang.
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