Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Flow of Life

A moment in the endless time and space

I have a theory. It sits upon the continuation of time from creation to the endless reaches of the universe.

Recently, I’ve been watching a lot of documentaries and news articles on the findings of Mars and life that used to potentially be there. What they are discovering is that Mars once had flowing water and probably sustained a level of life. What I am about to present to you is a vision I was presented to provide perspective. While there is little evidence to back up my theory, I wished to present it in hopes that it will provide insight for at least one other person. 

Let us, for a moment, consider the truths that we know of our reality.
·      Earth has sustained life for millions of years: dinosaurs, an ice age, the development of human life and so forth.
·      Humans have a recorded history of about 6000 years and many speculations as to how long we have been here, and our evolution. Whichever is your school of thought is yours to follow, and I won’t go on.
·      We have evidence of life on a neighboring planet. Water (or a similar element) once flowed on Mars.
·      Mars once had a stable atmosphere like Earths.
·      Titan (a Saturn moon) also has a sustained atmosphere.
·      Planets are formed from gaseous spheres, much like Jupiter.
·      The Sun is a very young star (by comparison to others that have either burned out or are close to it), and is presently about halfway through its life cycle.
Given all this, a time line might be forming in your head, which is what I hope to present. Over the trillions of years of unrecorded time, we can find that life is indeed a small and fleeting thing, and compare it to the lives once lived. 

In keeping with my theory, we need to create the timeline of events surrounding these major players (Sun, Mars, Earth, Titan and Jupiter). Other planets will get a mention, however their position in this timeline is irrelevant.

So in the beginning of our Solar system, several eons ago, the sun burst into life.
Its huge gravitational force pulled together several large meteors that collided and destroyed each other, leaving only a handful of survivors and a belt of debris. This is the slow birthing of the Solar System. Not all planets would have been in place at this stage; however it is fairly clear that the majority were present.

Over the millions of years that followed, several of the large meteors turned planets formed atmospheres. These would not all have happened at the same time, and not all of them have lasted. Mercury’s proximity to the sun has burned ts atmosphere away, and Venus’ is so hot that the air is a powerful force equal to that of 3000ft below sea level. The atmosphere is maintained, however probably very damaged. All other planets either gained their atmospheres (regardless of whether they remain intact or not) or were never fortunate enough to develop one.  

From within these domed planets evolved the many different planets life forces. The fastest was Mars. Mars had life grow and evolve into something that is equal to that of our own. I couldn’t say if they were human, humanoid or something far beyond our knowing.

Somewhere in this muddled history, the beings of Mars were wiped out and the atmosphere was worn away by the solar force of the sun. While Mars retains its atmosphere, it is 1/100 that of Earths, and unable to sustain life. And while all this happened on Mars, Earth was either forming itself in one way, or living through the millions or billions of years that were the age of dinosaurs. In any and all events, we can only guess when things came to a pass. However, given the circumstances, it is not beyond belief to imagine the beings of Mars, with whatever technology they had, watching Earth and its prehistoric beings.  

So now we arrive at our history, dinosaurs, man, etc. We are still exceptionally young by all comparison, and are still learning to develop our own ways of being. And now we cast our minds forward to the future. It has been discovered that the icy depths of Titan have a fully formed atmosphere. It is far too cold for human life, as instead of water, the main liquid is nitrogen. Nitrogen turns to liquid and boils at -195C. At freezes at -210C. Footage back from Titan even shows it snowing nitrogen. So while it is far too cold for human life, perhaps it is in the exceptionally early stages of making its own form of life. They would find Earth (humans or not) about on par with us going to live on Venus (surface temperature 462C). Mars, in retrospect is about 20C on the equator at noon, and drops to -153 at the poles.

So with the science now done, perhaps I have started the chain reaction in your mind. The eons that have been and the eons yet to be. Here we sit in the middle of this present empire of humans. We have a fleeting moment in the extensive history, no more apparent than that of a heartbeat in a human lifetime or a blink in a day. Someday the human world will cave in from one thing or another. It could be the mistreatment of the planet and the destruction of our atmosphere, or it could be we simply kill each other because one God is better than the other. Who knows?

Where you are sitting reading this now, visualize the passing of all these events: Mars created and lost life, watching us in one of our primitive forms. We now look at Mars and wonder about the history and the evidence of water there. The future will have the beings of Titan doing the same.

Jupiter, even in itself, is still rather young in the scheme of things. It is more a contained ball of gases trying to take form. Much like many things in this universe, it is at the beginning point. Our planet might have been like that once too. Perhaps our solar system has an even longer history than we realize. Destroyed planets that watched the life of Mars as they watched us, and gaseous clouds made other planets, and the chain of events flows on in a neat and well-timed pattern. None knowing the previous is watching and the next is an exceptionally long way away from creation, or is still in an exceptionally early stage. Who can say for sure what will happen, because we will not be around to find out.

Now my theory is not quite finished because I want to expand your mind even further. I want you to focus on the Sun, our brightest and closest star. It has a very long life of numbers higher than I care to name. Our nearest star, Alpha Centauri A and B, both radiate with the same strength. These stars have all lived for a certain age, and will, like all things, eventually die. The color of a star indicates its age. If it is blue or white, it is relatively young and just starting out its life. If a star is white to yellow, much like our sun, it is around the same age bracket. The more yellow, then orange and red, the older it is and closer to dying and becoming a supernova. So every star lives its own relative cycle of life. And scientists theorize that the gases left over from a burst star will eventually reform over millions of years to create another sun, and the cycle will start over. This is human life and reincarnation at a massive level. And all within these eons of time and evolution we are less than one hundred years individually, and as a race less than 2 million. From this, we have a very clear perspective of time, events and their continuation before, during and after our lives.

I have a theory. It sits upon the continuation of time from creation to the endless reaches of the universe.

1 comment:

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