Thursday, December 30, 2010

Theory: The Structure of the Multiverses

I have a theory. it is based on the structire of the Universe and the Multiverse. 
I would like to add a personal thank you to Morriganscrow, whos teachings to me have been included in this theory and helped me put it all together. Thank you so much MC, you have been the brightest spiritual light in my life and the best teacher to me in the spiritual and shamanic ways.
As we know, we live in what might be describbed as a quiet corner of the universe, and considering that we have no contact with other E.T's, it is somewhat true. And as we can image from simply looking up into a stary sky, there are certainly many worlds out there for us to eventually explore. But my theory goes into explaining our hidden other-worldly connections to the outtter realms of our own.
As far as your imagination can expand on, there are going to be several differences between our universe and others. We are certianly not the only planet with human life, or human-like beings. The difference between the realsms and their inhabitants is their existance and what is and isn't possible. The old saying is that 'Anything's possible,' and to that extent, it is true, just it isn't all possible here.
All realms are made up of a balance of the many elements. There are more elements beyond your knowledge and understanding, but in our world at least, here are the ones that make up our basis.
Earth: Everything that is physical.
Water: Everything that is liquid, or liquid based.
Air: Everything gasious, including oxygen, hydrogen and all other gases discovered.
Fire: The middle element that creates and destroys.
Wood: The living element of growth and sustaining life in many forms.
Metal: From iorn and zinc to the combination of earth that makes crystals and minerals.
Spirit: Everything that is religious and the common link of energy.
These elements are all in a divine balance to create our universe. We have both the physical and spiritual symbols of these things on a macro and micro level. Macro being the big picture of life and the micro being our individual lives. And between our unvierse and the next universe, the levels of the elements change, different combinations can be made and different realities are made.
In example: our world possesses very little physical magic that we can only view in television and video games, but other realms have this magic and spiritual power at their everyday disposal. However, they might have a very low level of fire, meaning that their technology, creativity and force could be centuries behind ours.
But we do have spiritual connections with other worlds and realms that we have not had physical contact with. A lot of  these places have been turned into inspirations for our fictional lives. Such realms are that of Dungeons and Dragons/Lord of the Rings, Yugioh, Star Wars/Trek and so on. These realms exist beyond our own, and perhaps not to the level or description that we have of them, but the inspiration is from the same place.
In my own experience is the realm of Yugioh. In a past life, I had fallen in love with a beautiful woman, but she was betrothed to another man. It was agreed by all that if IO could slay a Blue Eyes White Dragon (see image below) and bring back it's head, she would marry me instead of the man she was betrothed to. I went out and was never heard of again. Most assumed, and correctly so, that I had been eaten. I have since met the woman and her love of that life again in this life, and our interests in similar subjects all tie it together.
Our past lives can, and sometimes do, go to other realsm to learn and grow, and we can experience these things through our dreams and past life hypnosys. These realms are beyond our reach physically, and our element balance may or may not be able to measure up to theirs or even survive in theirs, and vice versa. But our realm has inspired others as they have inspired us. Some inspirations have been positive re-enforcement, some negative. Some have been mistranslated and others have been over-analysed, but they are still there.
And while we cannot see them properly, there are E.T's living amoung us. This is not in the Sci-fi way that is running through your mind, but in a spiritual form. These are beings known as Starpeople and are as physically human as you and me, but their souls and their continuous reincarnation cycle is based on the realms of another time and place, and are certainly very different to ours. Haven spoken with a few starpoeple, many describe that their life here is that is misery or disappointment because of the way people treat each other. Their souls are so used to another place that is peaceful and (more often than not) very nature-based. As the text in the link describes, Starpeople might live a few lives here, doing their best to make a change, and usually dream of UFO's and being taken away to a place that is home.
As for any other contact we might have from the other realms, well, there is good and bad news on that front. The good news is that they have made contact with us, in both Star People and from distant observing, and we are definately on the map of the multiverses. but on the other hand, we are viewed as such a destructive race, that we are a quarentined place.
In the structure that is the universe, we can also safely say that time is a different measurement from ours. When we think of time, we think of one long and continuous string of events, and that is what time is for us. We cannot physically bend time to fit our own cause or likes, but it is possible in other realms. In other realms, time has a completely different shape. In some places it is spiral-shaped, in that people can be in two or more places at once. Other places have time as a wave, or even a square. How these last two examples of time might work is beyond my explanation, but it is still how these realms measure it. So for us to be able to access this power of time means for us to move through one or many black hoes to find it. And there is no garantee we could actually find it, as the scientifically descrtibbed and spiritually based defence system insures we cannot cross over. The crushing force of a black hole insures we aren't going anywhere. At the same time, it ensures no one unwelcome is coming here.
The next stage of the explaining of the multiverse is to explain our own a little more. It is said that our universe is constantly expanding. This is quite true. The universe is expanding, and will eventually reach it's limit and contract again. Each universe in the multiverse is simply in the existance of a heartbeat of the Goddess. In it's most poetic form, the lifetime of a universe is but a heartbeat of the Goddess. Each universe, a pearl upon her delicate neck, lives its life and falls with every beat of her heart, to be replaced with another that will alst the same time. Within that time lives every life, goes past several experiences and the worlds of those who live to see them become, build and fall again.
In a rough, inaccurate, but certainly the best way to describe the map of the multiverses, is to look at a necklace that is a lot of chain links put together as shown below. Each point where the chains meet is a universe, the links between them the portals that are guarded by black and white wholes, and lead to each other universe.
From here, we can only speculate other life forms. Some are said to be somewhat human in either physical form or intellignence or nature. Some have longer lives than we do, others live in completely different forms to ours. But whatever it is, we can be sure that they are there and that they have their own worlds, problems and ways just like we do. I hope that, in the future, we will reach a level of peace and development that will allow the other worlds to see that we are more peaceful than what we are now.
I have a theory. it is based on the structire of the Universe and the Multiverse.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Theory: The Restarunts of Destiny

I have a theory. It is based on the major events of our lives. I would like to say thank you to Liv Watts for providing me with the basis of this theory, to which I have expanded the details. Liv, High Priestess of the Aurora Australis Witan Shrine and one of my Pagan Aunts, thank you so much for your help.
This theory is based on a part of palmistry that I come across quite freaquently in my line of work, it is known as the destiny line. The Destiny Line (or lines) are indicators of major events in your life that cannot be avoided and that we pre-set ourselves before we incarnated (1). These events must come to pass, either in this or another life, and the events are so powerful in our lives that they are going to appear in any part of divination that we aproach, be it palmistry, tarot, runes or scrying. These events can range from illness to personal life changes that are forced on us to events that we are at the centre of that we cannot control. Many of these events tie into one another, as the event/s themselves change us as people, for better or worse.
In an earlier theory I explained how we predetermine our existence here on earth, in this life, by choosing from a mass candy store. Some of the sweets we choose are not ones we take with us when we leave, they are simply an advance booking to be eaten at a later date. this pre-ordred dessert will be served to us at the Restarunts of Destiny.As we go through our lives, we will eventually have to go to the restarunt of Destiny and eat there. There are many things to consider when facing this part of our lives, in the same example as in going out to eat. Here are my main topic points within this theory, and how the relate to the event/s in our lives.
What we wear to go out: The experiences of our life before now
Who we go with: The people who will be involved in our Destiny as it unfolds.
How you get there: The style represents your life.
The Style of Restarunt: The designs of our Destiny and the things we must face.
Where we sit: This is ultimutely decided based on how well you are going to deal with the situation.
What you eat: The main body of the events unfolding.
How much you pay: How much you have to give to get through this event.
How much you tip: The amount of thanks you give to whoever (human, deity or otherwise) supports you through this time.
How you leave: The style of your life after the events.
While some of these things might seem odd in comparrison, i will explain them shortly.

Understanding Destony
 From the many ideas that hollywood and a lot of authors have put into our minds, our Destiny is the goal in life that we are set up to achieve, come what may. this is somewhat true. In times and realms of such dealings, it is more common for a person to perhaps have to face a time where their skills as a warrior and nobleness of their soul would determine their victory. However, here on earth, in this day and age, our Destiny is set out a little differently, and has been for some time.
A Destiny is a set of events, as previously explained, and has to do with the learning of our souls as they trasgress through many lives. But once we have forfilled our Destiny's here on Earth, does not mean that our lives are over. it means that we have faced the major tests we have set for ourselves in this life, and that what we have set ourselves to do as a concious being (eg: occupation, family life, social recreation, etc) are still important factors, and we can continue to lead forfilling lives beyond this one time.
Destiny's, for whatever reason the soul needs, can be fatal. One example would be to face cancer, and lose the battle. I do not wish to frighten and suggest that your Destiny is inevitably going to kill you, but it is more likely that it may, depending on the situation. The soul needs to learn many things, and so therefore it must face these realities too. The reality that we can die without finishing what we feel we were placed here to do, what we feel we haven't done for ourselves or others and what it is we think we have to live for. No one is immune to the truths and facts of death, and death waits for no task to be finished.
However, I have also learned in my readings that Destiny, especially for some people, is an important time in their lives and as the potential to become the highest power they can be (good, evil or otherwise). The truth is that a lot of people have their Destinys tied in with their psychic abilities. their Destony is that the things they will face, the challenges to their health, perception, life path and so on, are what will truly awaken their spiritual and psychic side. It is often heard that famous psychics and mediums have had their abilities awakened after suffering physical and/or mental truma. This might be a car crash, a miscarriage, a sudden death or painful battle with an illness. What they soon discover is that they have awakened a new power within them that is highly useful to them and others. This does not suggest, however, everyone will go through this, have their psychic side awakened via their Destiny (if it all) and it is certainly not a guarantee of what is your Destiny.
Lastly, a Destiny is not set in the stones of time, but more like the sands. While there is an average time for a Destiny to unfold (commonly in people's 30's) it can be moved, depending upon the person and their personal development. The Destiny can be moved closer to the present because the person has matured faster than expected or (depending) they have sunk faster than expected. The same principals might effect in pushing the Destiny further down the time line, making it deeper into our lives than when it was pretermined. Either way, the Destony can be moved through our timeline, but is not avoidable. If you do not face your Destiny this time, you will face it in another life.
It is also possible (and in a number of circumstances, is) that a person can have more than one Desitny. These Destinys can be linked and spaced through time or can be two completely different things. In my own example, I have  a brain tumor that has caused a number of medical issues that are still with me today. However, my Destiny in this is not yet finished, and will come again in the next 6 years, either through the discovery of some level of cure, the ability to restore my lost vision or hormone imbalance, or a combination of any. In other instances, two different Destiny's for one person could be to face a medical issue when older, but deal with life changes such as adoption or loss of innocence when young. In any example, the Destiny's will come to pass.

The Visit to the Restarunt
When it comes time face our Destiny, it is best explained as a visit to a restarunt. In the highlighted steps earlier, I will explain the journey and how it all comes together to be our Destiny.
Predetermining Events: As previously explained, this is our choice of a major dessert to which we will eat at the Restarunt. Dessert will be served after our main meal and (if choosen) Entre. When in the candy store, we chose our desserts, and for each dessert is a visit to one of the Restarunts of Destiny. We need to go and eat there at some point (as explained in the time setting and movement of Destiny). From here, we are now ready to go out.
What We Wear: The experiences of our lives, doing whatever it is we choose to do and whatever it is we learn in the smaller lessons of life that are simply fate and luck. If we have had a very good run in life, and had things handed to us or simply been lucky in getting to a good position, we might wear a tuxedo and carry a cane and top hat. If we are more family orientated, we might wear a good dress shirt and pants and look respectable. In all respects, our clothing reflects very much our life at that point and the things we have faced, presently facing, learned, are learning, experienced and so forth. You can wear whatever you want, but it is very much going to reflect who you are. The clothing and accessorys might not even match, depending on how much we have been through in life up to that point.
Who we go with: While it is not going to be obvious from the beginning, we will not go to the restarunt alone. A family person may take their family members, while a street peddler might take some of the clients and dealers. The people who go with us are presently in our lives, but they are not the only ones who will be eating with us at the restarunt. If our Destiny is medical, you can expect to be dining with some doctors and nurses. If our Destiny is work related, we might be eating with some big CEO's and businessmen. People will stay for all three courses as well as bread sticks before and coffee afterwards, but it is safe to say that people might leave during the meal, not feel like eating all courses of the meal or have their own things to attend. In all examples, people will come and go. Some might return, some might be late, some might just take a bathroom break. But the people will come and go.
How we get there: Needless to say, we need to get to Restarunt somehow. This is reflected in two ways. the means of transport is the image, but it reflects on two things: one is our lives leading up to the restarunt, and the other is reflective of the style of our lives, as explained earlier. In each person's life, as we well know, we almost always have something going on, whether it be our daily life or extra things on top of that. It is most certain that not everyone is going to arrive by car. In my own example, I might show up in a taxi, on a bike or perhaps my restarunt is right near to a train station or bus stop. Some people might arrive by helicopter, boat, paddlesteamer or (in some instances) other worldly transit, but it is all down to the person. Some of it reflects our lives and interests, while other aspects might represnt who we are. But the journey is still the same for all of us, it is simply our lives from start o finish.
The Style of Restarunt: The Restarunt is all important. It reflects very much what it is we are facing. Some people, like myself, have a good idea what the Restarunt is going to look like, or what it might reflect to us personally. But some of us have no idea, and simply walk in blind to the things that await. This is not to suggest that people are blind to their Destiny, and that it can be prewarned to them in their lives. After that, they need to see the signs leading to the restarunt before their arrival. the restarunt itself reflects its aspects. It might remind us of a hospital, a part of our lives that we do not face or an aspect of life itself we do not enjoy. For example, someone who is destined to question their sexuality might come to a restarunt with the rainbow flag in neon above the door. Someone destined to face a major change in life might dine at a restarunt named 'Changes' which is collision of many building styles on the outside and inside. In all events, the outside and inside reflect very much the basis of events to come.
What We Eat: For our meal, we can order whatever we want. You can have a Cheese burger and fries in a five star restarunt, or a steak well done with salad and pasta in a corner cafe. The menu is as large as your imagination is wide and you can order whatever food you want, as can your dinner guests. What the different meals will represent are the major choices within the Destiny we face. Will we have chicken or beef? Won't we have fries with that? Should we have the experimental surgery? Could we possibly be seeing the world in a different light? Would it be so bad if I did this? The mix of questions and their symbolic links are all there. The number of courses you have is up to you and the people you dine with, and sometimes your hand will beforeced, and sometimes it won't. But as we eat, we are making the choices. And these choices are not only in the food, but how we eat. Mutton with your fingers? Fetachinni with chopsticks? Soup with a fork? Whatever works for you in this dining experience. 
How Much We Pay: Yes, this is as literal as it sounds. We face our Destiny to reach who it is we really should be and the major challenges we preset. Destiny, more often than not, is designed delicately to make us who we are supposed to be. Failure to forfill means going back and doing it again. In retrospect, not paying your bill is a good sign you will be doing dishes in the kitchen to work it off. We will inevitably have to give something up, volunterrily or not, to forfill our Destiny. I gave up quite a bit to get to this point of my Destiny, and I don't look back and regret it for a minute. It may be a pain in the arse to be taking my pills, not seeing as well and keeping many doctors appointments, but it has made me stronger, and I don't know any other way of living. But I gave up a lot to be here, and it will be the same for everyone. We won't always have a choice in the price of the restarunt, but we will need to pay. Not paying means our Destiny just takes longer to forfill until death, incarnation and repeating do you part, or working it off another way which is just as tedious. More often than not, this is the part of Destiny we all fear, and that is the change. But for some of us, the cange is forced, not choosen, and we need to face it. But should your Destiny yet to be forfilled, you need to be brave and pay the man at the cash register, and be sure that there is something most satisfying in paying for what has (or will be eventually viewed as) a good meal.
How Much We Tip: I do not expect everybody to follow this part, because, tipping is always optional. But for the people who have served us our destiny and have put a lot of effort into making something worth wild, you can be sure a tip is most welcome. For religious people like myself, it may be praise to your respective deity for aiding you, it may be offerings of food to an alter, donations to charity (in money, clothing or food) or simply acting in accordance with your Destiny. I am thankful to my spiritual beings every day that I am here to live my life, and that they Deity saw fit for me to live, and guided my Destiny where I was unable to choose for myself. I give back to my community and will continue to do so for many years to come. The work is always good. And for everyone, regurdless of the events of our Destiny, we should be grateful that we are beyond it and are (hopefully) better for it, or pray for guidance when we next face our Destiny.
How We Leave: As continuously stated, we will change throughout the course of our Destiny. We will become slightly or dramatically different people with new things we now know about ourselves, perhaps new things to live with/out and we need to adjust to that. This will dramatically effect our trasport away from the Restarunt, who we travel with and where we are going. We will still head to the end of our lives in our respective transport, but we will certainly be different for it. We might be in a completely different mode of transport when we leave. The important part of it is to accept the way we now travel through our lives. And, odds are, we may have even changed clothing, accessories and hair styles during our visit, and that is all apart of the event itself.

So what is it about us that makes us need a Destiny? It is the learning process of the soul. We cannot understand it from our perspective here on earth, or at least not completely, but if you read my earlier theory it will hopefully explain most of it to you, as this theory goes into explaining some of the choices we make between incarnations.
I have a theory. It is based on the major events of our lives. To you, whoever you are, I hope that your Destiny is a wonderful adventure, an experience for life and a turning point for your soul and it's evolution. Bon Appetit.

Earlier Theory (1):

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Theory: The Evolution of the Human Soul

I have a theory. It is based on the evolution of the soul.
Picture in your mind a candy store. Every possible sweet in jars, on trays and in bags. See sweets that you know and love, see the ones you know you don't like, and the ones that you want to try but haven't. Then I want you to see some that are almost unknown. Different on color, shape, design, and don't have a name. All these tasty temptations are in a room as long as you can see, wider than you can imagine and as tall as you can make it, and each isle of sweets is well above your reach to get to the ones on the top.
Now that I have set this image in your mind, I want you to place four people in the store. One is a child, one as a youth in his prime, one is an adult in their 40's and one is an elderly person in their 80's. Imagine how they would react to being in the shop. Clearly the child is going to go galavanting off, wishing to try everything at once, yet not sure what to take first. The youth would probably stick to things they like, while maybe taking a few new things that are closely related. The adult would be a bit more open on the range of choice, taking both things they know they like while trying something new, and the elderly person, with the most experience, knows what they like and what they don't.
Clearly, not everything can be taken at once, as much as the child could wish it. Each person is allowed to take a certain amount. The child can't take too many because if they do, they will make themselves sick. The youth needs to be careful how much they take for they still need to establish good paterns in life. The adult would probably ration while the elder would take a lot of one thing that they like to stock up on, and an een amount of something newer.
These four people in your mind, sweets in hand and paid for, will walk out of the candy store and incarnate into their next lives, each a newborn baby and the sweets they have choosen are the challenges they have choosen to take with them. Effectively, the souls has gone shopping for their experiences. When they leave the next mortal coil, reguardless of its length, they will return to the store, a little wiser for their likes and dislikes, with the possible exception of the elder, who might have tried everything in the store. What happens to them I will get to a bit later.
This demonstration I have put to you is my theory of soul evolution for us as humans, and all other souls who move through a reincarnation cycle, whether they share it with us or not. For humans at least, we have a lot to experience, and some of these things are already beyond our perception, which is represented by the sweets we cannot identify by name or shape or color. There are challenges that have been apart of our existence for a long time, and you might represent these with sweets such as turkish delight or bullseyes. There are modern, here-and-now challenges, and they would be more represented by a bag of starburst jellybeans. Either way, as we select the sweets we take with us, we elect our life challenges, but there is more to it than that. Because there is more to us than simply being born, being challenged and going back to be incarnated again, we must also choose specifically a few other things to come with us. This candy store of souls also holds for us the things we will be interested in, our likes and dislikes, our sexuality, our disorders and our quirks.

I want you to take a pen and pad and write down four groups of three different types of sweets. Either by company name and the type of sweet (eg: Starburst chews), the name of the sweet itself (eg: musk sticks) or a flaovor of sweet (strawberry, peppermint).. Leave a space next to each item to write more information.
Sweets can be from lollies, to ice-creams to puddings to anything you consider sweet.
*One list of three should be sweets that you love, that you could have right now if you could.
1. Turkish Delight
2. Chilli Chocolate
3. Jelly Belly Jelly Beans
*One list should be three flavors you like in sweets, be it a flavor of chocolate, jelly bean of just a sweet flavor you like.
1. Musk
2. Roasted Marshmellow
3. Cookies and Cream
*One list should be sweets that you don't mind, but do not necessarily buy for yourself.
1. Dark Chocolate
2. Butterscotch
3. Fruitcake
*The final list should be three sweets you do not like.
1. Tiramisu
2. Rice Pudding
3. Black Licorice
From this list, we are going to turn your favorite sweets and flavors into who you are.
*Your favorite sweets are going to be your good qualities.
1. Turkish Delight / Polite
2. Chilli Chocolate / Pazzaz
3. Jelly Belly Jelly Beans / Diversity
*Your favorite flavors are things you enjoy, such as hobbies, interests, occupation. But make sure it is something specific to you.
1. Musk / Spiritual Guiding
2. Roasted Marshmellow / Entertaining Friends
3. Cookies and Cream / Both good and bad humour
*Your next list are things that you have had to accept about yourself.
1. Dark Chocolate / Procrastinator
2. Butterscotch / mental disability
3. Fruitcake / Body image
*The last three are things that we have to or have had to overcome in our lives. looking at them gives us lots to think about, becuase they clearly changed our lives. These things can be both positive or negative, but the point is that they were a challenge, not a breese.
1. Tiramisu / Damage from all my surgerys
2. Rice Pudding / Being ostroscised
3. Black Licorice / Social Awkwardness

These 12 things are things you brought with you from the candy store. Clearly you took a whole lot more than that, right down to the number of strawberry jelly beans. However, this example you have worked demonstrates in a small detail that we have taken a lot of things with us to make us who we are.
The four people running around the store, as mentioned earlier, are souls, each at a different level of age and maturity. Just like physical beings, just over a longer period of time, our souls age and grow wiser. Clearly, our age and experience makes us choose more wisely about what we like, what we don't like and what we should try next in the world. Presenting this as the biggest candy store in the collective imagination is a simple way to present it.
The Child New to the ideas of living and learning, a child wants to try everything without a lot of thoughts to the consciquences. The child is limited on how much they can take form the store because, being so young, they cannot handle all the responsability at once. A young soul has a lot of choice because they haven't tried very many things (if any). they may choose one or two things to take with them from past lives and this may reflect in either interests, goals, beliefs or lifestyles. A few of the things that they will choose, because of their limit in height, will be life challenges which will be represented by things they will either not get from the store on their next visit or willget again to get a taste for. Ultimutely, they take a balanced amount of everything.
These souls are identifyable because they have an easier run in life. They don't face up to a lot from start to finish. Their challenges are very mundane in their creation and finding a conclussion to. This does not suggest they won't have a hard time dealing with it, because they will need to gain the experience of this aspect of living. But in comparrison to the other three souls, their lives are somewhat easier and more carefree.
The Youth Having experienced a few things, the youth as an idea of what they like and what is and isn't good. They can be a bit more choosy on what they take for themselves, but are still unwise as to what works as a combination and what doesn't. In comparrison, it is like serving musk sticks with your tiramisu, it doesn't really work at all. The youth also has more access to some of the sweets on the shelves that were previously beyond their reach because they have experienced enough to be able to take the sweets and learn their tastes in life.
These souls are identified from their level of experience and gain in life. Probably the more successful ranks of the soul when looked at in their lives. They can achieve quite well and deal with their issues, have a well rounded personality, but perhaps fall apart at the seems a little quicker than others. They have built something, but if it is taken form them, it might have them crumple into a being beyond not being able to do much with themselves. So while success is eisier, it is precious and requires a lot of maintaining.
The Adult: Knowledged and wise to the effects of a lot of the sweets in the store, they can choose very carefully as to what they want to do in their next round. they will take the things they like having in life while challenging themselves to newer and tougher things on higher shelves still. These souls may also try some foreign sweets, which incarnate them outside of earth. We cannot learn everything here, and so incarnate in places where they can learn these things.
You can pick these souls from their level of depth and understanding. While they haven't totally grasped the difference between being mortal and being beyond this world, they do seem to understand a lot, either form their own life experience this time or a deeper knowledge. Their lives are with difficulties that a lot of epople cannot comprehend how to deal with, and it is up to the soul to work out how to deal with what they have choosen. However, being able to deal with it makes the soul older and wiser still. Not being able to deal with it means they will prbably buy more from the store until they can swallow and digest it.
Elderly souls: These people have an experience, colectively, that goes beyond the minds and comprehensions of being human. They know a lot about living and coping. They have very few things left to try in the candy store, have found the right combination of sweets that they like and work woell together. Their last visits are the toughest tests of the soul and the mortal mind, and these souls have ladders to reach the sweets on the top shelves.
These souls are simply different form others. they are the toughest, the most knowing and the ones most likely to want to help. Many examples of these are in Doreen Virtues "Realms of the Earth Angels", but even if they are not an earth angel, they are well experienced. While dealing with thier own lives, they can help others with theirs, because they know about their troubles and can answer the call.
Beyond the Store: When we have, finally, tasted every last sweet in the candy store and finished eating them, whcih takes many centuries of our time, we discover that we have the knowledge of life. It doesn't make us perfect, but it is the point in which our souls evolve into the next stage of experience. These experiences are as helpers back to the physical worlds but in spiritual forms. Guides, protectors, warriors and so forth.
In conclussion, the Candy Store is where we choose our experiences. We have our tastes, our prefered combinations of foods and where we are all encouraged to try new things. Every aspect of mortal lving can be made here, and we will need to experience them all in one way or another. As examples...
Fairyfloss: Being homosexual
Black jelly beans: having dark skin
Spearmint: being a warrior
strawberry/blueberry: being fe/male
apple cobbler: living in the country
lemon drops: having mental disability
In these examples, and many many more, we will discover that we have a lot to learn. The things we choose to experience in our lives are for sale at the Candy Store at the beginning of incarnation. The things we don't like we must learn to cope with, and the things we love we have done before, are a part of who we are as continuous incarnations or something we have come to like this time around.
I have a theory. It is about soul evolution as humans.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Theory: The Perception of Others

I have a theory. It is about the human perception of itself and the understanding of the unknown human need.

Picture in your mind the last time you walked through your local shopping centre on a busy day. Think of every person you passed. I do not expect you to pick out specific details, but just remember something about each person. Consider how many people you walk past in a moment, a minute, five minutes, one hour and so on. For each person, I want you to give them a color; Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple or Pink. Once you have done that, read the list below and it will tell you what you have walked past.
Red: This person has body weight issues.
Orange: This person has a mental illness
Yellow: This person was born overseas.
Green: This person struggles with an addiction
Blue: This person has a physical disability (obvious or not, tempory or permanent)
Purple: This person has a very stereotypical attitude towards a minority.
Pink: This person is gay/lesbian/transgender
Consider this for a moment. You have labelled a lot of people around you, probably falsely, with something that you can't really tell. These things, more commonly invisible than obvious, But what this theory is about is the perception of the human world in one mind and in many minds.

Consider this little activity the next time you are out down the street. All these people, somewhat normal in their everyday appearance, have a hidden something. It is not your place to know what it is, but consider that very few people you walk past will not be suffering one of these things. In fact it is a near guarantee you won't meet someone who hasn't been through or is going through one of these things, if not more.
What the human perception is generally wired to do is not to contemplate what is not obvious. And when it is obvious, our minds instantly jump in one of a few directions.
Pity: Feeling sorry for the person
Anger: That they make their problems others problems
Happiness: That the person is (hopefully) brave enough to face life, regardless. Or being happy that we are not that way.
Uncertainty: human fear of the unknown.
In everything that makes us human, we need to accept that there is something wrong with all of us, and that we are not perfect. My theory, however, does not place itself on the obvious.
My theory is that the human mind cannot accept what it does not understand from experience. We cannot understand issues of sexuality if we have not been through it or had someone close to us go through it. We cannot accept mental or physical disability if we do not have it or care for someone who does. We cannot understand different culture without having lived it. We cannot understand addiction if we haven't dealt with it, or seen someone dealing with it. There is no general acceptance for these things beyond perception and listening. And while I do not expect everyone to go through these things in their lifetime (at least not all of them) I do expect that the human mind will perceive that there is something to be said for these different groups.
When we see someone who has a real problem with their weight, what is the first thing we think of? Clearly, our own position in comparison. But when we pass that, we tend to think negatively on the person for their life choices. Instead of that, my theory is that the human mind can take a different approach. That in viewing this person, there can be seen a reason for their position. Do you know why the person is the size they are? Do they have a hidden issue that forces them to be the way they are?
Lets look at a different group, like someone born overseas. Yes, this can be obvious by different skin color, different customs in general living and so forth. But for some it isn't so obvious. While it might be easy to pick someone who is Asian or African-American by sight, could you pick an American or a European by sight? The answer is probably not. And even in this, you discover that there are some things hidden from view.
Even sexuality, a topic of major debate, is something that is hidden. I do not expect that many people walk around with their sexuality on their sleeves, and that even the most obvious might not be and the least obvious could be. It is all down to the unseen part of the mind. But when we are presented with someone who is same-sex attracted, what is our first thoughts? For some, it is self preservation of their ego. For some it is the wondering thought of what goes through that persons mind. Having seen and heard it often enough myself, it makes things interesting in conversation, or very negative. There is always, in one way or another, small underlying hints that the person is not comfortable or are trying to remind you constantly of their own sexuality. However, what they haven't seen is the other side of the sexuality. The boiling down is that sexuality only rules so uch of a persons life, despite what some people present in their own theories. The other side of sexuality is mortality, and that even these people, as different as they are in their private lives, are actually about as similar as you and I and Uncle Bob.
Lets talk about mental disability. What comes to your mind when I say that or as you read it? The first thing that probably rocks up is someone who has Down Syndrome. Once again, the human mind only chooses the obvious. What about people with Autism? What about Bipolar Disorder or Aspurgas? These are things you cannot see but still exist. You will walk past a lot of people with a mental disability in a single day, from depression to anxiety to paranoia. You will never know it is there, but it is. And for those who are mysophobic, these things are not catching, they are simply a condition of the human mind that affects everyday living in the persons head, much like mysophobia. What do you think of these people? It is surprising some of the things people will say without a lot of consideration. But try it this way, if a person has a mental disability, whatever the level, it is a sign that they might have a hyper-intelligence or a wild personality. Or it is something that is helpless except through correct medication to keep it at bay. In any event, these people are still human.
My theory within getting you to view these perceptions at a different angle is to understand the two viewpoints we take. One is simple judgment and the other is an attempt to understand.

From here, scroll back up to the color list and choose the colors that represent you. Yes, plural. So you don't feel left out, I will do it myself.
Red (Body weight issues), Orange (mental disability), Green (Struggles with addiction), Blue (physical disability), Pink (same-sex attracted). Yes, I openly admit all these things. I have a mental disability, body weight issues, have an addiction problem, have a physical disability and identify as same-sex attracted. How many colors have you picked up? Are you being honest with yourself? For the colors you have chosen, you can safely say, on some level, that you understand these viewpoints, because you have been there and lived it. the other colors you can understand TO A POINT but not in their full context.

My next point is for you to take a look at someone else in your mind who also fits into one of these categories that you have picked out for yourself. How do you react towards them? How do you percieve them as humans or individuals? What is your general responce towards theese people? Would you stop and help them if you knew? I hope the answer is yes.
The theory is that people fear what they do not understand, and are quick to judge because they do not understand. Understanding that fear comes from not having lived through it themselves. The result is a closed-minded world. My theory is that humans can percieve more and judge less if they experience more in their lives. I do understand that no one person is going to experience all of these things at once, and how could they? On some levels, it is possible, but it is not an easy life. However, the human body can endure quite a bit. The theory is that if each person in this world faced at least four of these issues, both in a positive and negative way, then they would be a lot less judging and more open to the potentials of blockades. They might see the potential in others, and this is what I hope that, one day, we will see.
I have a theory. it is based on human perception of itself and the basic human needs in others. I hope you have enjoyed reading it.

I would like to thank Rose Wake and my Cert IV class of 2010 for helping me explore this theory, discussing it in class and being understanding to the many things that have been my challenges. All the best for the future guys.

Welcome to the Book of Theory

Welcome to my Book of Theory. It is in this place that I have written out my theorys of life from a spiritual, human or social point of view. What I hope is that people can percieve a new perspective on life and a more open mind and heart towards their lives. While the theories I present may not be fully thought through or perfectly describbed, I am going to continuously review the theories and retype them so that they may make more sense.

To expose this blog a bit further, I have found a few places on the internet (mostly facebook) and hope that the blog attracts people who are interested in reading my theories, adding their own thoghts and presenting their opwn theories with me. Any theories that I publish here, with what I hope is the approach they want, I will credit them at the beginning and end of the theory.
The first few theorys I'm posting have been posted previously in my other blog, but I want to seperate what is basically my journal from my theorys on life and our existance. While posts here will not be as frequent, but they will be in depth.
What I really want is for people to comment and let me know what they think. Anyone can post, however I do want to know who says what. And I do hope that people will subscribe to this blog.
I hope to hear from everybody soon. All the best,
Perry B.