Thursday, December 30, 2010

Theory: The Structure of the Multiverses

I have a theory. it is based on the structire of the Universe and the Multiverse. 
I would like to add a personal thank you to Morriganscrow, whos teachings to me have been included in this theory and helped me put it all together. Thank you so much MC, you have been the brightest spiritual light in my life and the best teacher to me in the spiritual and shamanic ways.
As we know, we live in what might be describbed as a quiet corner of the universe, and considering that we have no contact with other E.T's, it is somewhat true. And as we can image from simply looking up into a stary sky, there are certainly many worlds out there for us to eventually explore. But my theory goes into explaining our hidden other-worldly connections to the outtter realms of our own.
As far as your imagination can expand on, there are going to be several differences between our universe and others. We are certianly not the only planet with human life, or human-like beings. The difference between the realsms and their inhabitants is their existance and what is and isn't possible. The old saying is that 'Anything's possible,' and to that extent, it is true, just it isn't all possible here.
All realms are made up of a balance of the many elements. There are more elements beyond your knowledge and understanding, but in our world at least, here are the ones that make up our basis.
Earth: Everything that is physical.
Water: Everything that is liquid, or liquid based.
Air: Everything gasious, including oxygen, hydrogen and all other gases discovered.
Fire: The middle element that creates and destroys.
Wood: The living element of growth and sustaining life in many forms.
Metal: From iorn and zinc to the combination of earth that makes crystals and minerals.
Spirit: Everything that is religious and the common link of energy.
These elements are all in a divine balance to create our universe. We have both the physical and spiritual symbols of these things on a macro and micro level. Macro being the big picture of life and the micro being our individual lives. And between our unvierse and the next universe, the levels of the elements change, different combinations can be made and different realities are made.
In example: our world possesses very little physical magic that we can only view in television and video games, but other realms have this magic and spiritual power at their everyday disposal. However, they might have a very low level of fire, meaning that their technology, creativity and force could be centuries behind ours.
But we do have spiritual connections with other worlds and realms that we have not had physical contact with. A lot of  these places have been turned into inspirations for our fictional lives. Such realms are that of Dungeons and Dragons/Lord of the Rings, Yugioh, Star Wars/Trek and so on. These realms exist beyond our own, and perhaps not to the level or description that we have of them, but the inspiration is from the same place.
In my own experience is the realm of Yugioh. In a past life, I had fallen in love with a beautiful woman, but she was betrothed to another man. It was agreed by all that if IO could slay a Blue Eyes White Dragon (see image below) and bring back it's head, she would marry me instead of the man she was betrothed to. I went out and was never heard of again. Most assumed, and correctly so, that I had been eaten. I have since met the woman and her love of that life again in this life, and our interests in similar subjects all tie it together.
Our past lives can, and sometimes do, go to other realsm to learn and grow, and we can experience these things through our dreams and past life hypnosys. These realms are beyond our reach physically, and our element balance may or may not be able to measure up to theirs or even survive in theirs, and vice versa. But our realm has inspired others as they have inspired us. Some inspirations have been positive re-enforcement, some negative. Some have been mistranslated and others have been over-analysed, but they are still there.
And while we cannot see them properly, there are E.T's living amoung us. This is not in the Sci-fi way that is running through your mind, but in a spiritual form. These are beings known as Starpeople and are as physically human as you and me, but their souls and their continuous reincarnation cycle is based on the realms of another time and place, and are certainly very different to ours. Haven spoken with a few starpoeple, many describe that their life here is that is misery or disappointment because of the way people treat each other. Their souls are so used to another place that is peaceful and (more often than not) very nature-based. As the text in the link describes, Starpeople might live a few lives here, doing their best to make a change, and usually dream of UFO's and being taken away to a place that is home.
As for any other contact we might have from the other realms, well, there is good and bad news on that front. The good news is that they have made contact with us, in both Star People and from distant observing, and we are definately on the map of the multiverses. but on the other hand, we are viewed as such a destructive race, that we are a quarentined place.
In the structure that is the universe, we can also safely say that time is a different measurement from ours. When we think of time, we think of one long and continuous string of events, and that is what time is for us. We cannot physically bend time to fit our own cause or likes, but it is possible in other realms. In other realms, time has a completely different shape. In some places it is spiral-shaped, in that people can be in two or more places at once. Other places have time as a wave, or even a square. How these last two examples of time might work is beyond my explanation, but it is still how these realms measure it. So for us to be able to access this power of time means for us to move through one or many black hoes to find it. And there is no garantee we could actually find it, as the scientifically descrtibbed and spiritually based defence system insures we cannot cross over. The crushing force of a black hole insures we aren't going anywhere. At the same time, it ensures no one unwelcome is coming here.
The next stage of the explaining of the multiverse is to explain our own a little more. It is said that our universe is constantly expanding. This is quite true. The universe is expanding, and will eventually reach it's limit and contract again. Each universe in the multiverse is simply in the existance of a heartbeat of the Goddess. In it's most poetic form, the lifetime of a universe is but a heartbeat of the Goddess. Each universe, a pearl upon her delicate neck, lives its life and falls with every beat of her heart, to be replaced with another that will alst the same time. Within that time lives every life, goes past several experiences and the worlds of those who live to see them become, build and fall again.
In a rough, inaccurate, but certainly the best way to describe the map of the multiverses, is to look at a necklace that is a lot of chain links put together as shown below. Each point where the chains meet is a universe, the links between them the portals that are guarded by black and white wholes, and lead to each other universe.
From here, we can only speculate other life forms. Some are said to be somewhat human in either physical form or intellignence or nature. Some have longer lives than we do, others live in completely different forms to ours. But whatever it is, we can be sure that they are there and that they have their own worlds, problems and ways just like we do. I hope that, in the future, we will reach a level of peace and development that will allow the other worlds to see that we are more peaceful than what we are now.
I have a theory. it is based on the structire of the Universe and the Multiverse.

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